We have had some great new additions to our ranks as well as internal growth, and it is getting harder and harder to find spots for everyone within our 10 man Kara raid runs. It is now time to place structure and scheduling in place to ensure everyone has a chance to enjoy this part of wow and reap the rewards to be gained.

From here forward, guildys who sign-up for scheduled events will have 1st dibs for the run. We will have 3 Raid schedules to choose from and once they are filled with the desired classes and specs, the raid team will be set. Each team will also have slots for alternates in case a scheduled member has unexpected aggro. Once an alternate runs with a set team, they will be locked into that team for the remainder of the week. An alternate will not have 1st dibs if the team schedule is set for another night of raiding and all the original sign-ups are present at the raid start.

Each Raid leader may alter this as they see fit.

Kara Raid Start Times
Will be Set as Follows: All time is Server time (Central Standard Time). End times to be coordinated within each team.

Wednesday thru Friday (3 Days a week)

6:30 Murder & Delrio

Pesce & Castwalter

Vrie & Zalf :))

Zul'Aman Raid Times (10-man raid)
will be set and coordinated by Pesce. This will be an invitation only event until more of our ranks are better geared.

Gruul Raid Times (25-man raid)
will be set and coordinated by Pesce. Look for it on our calendars.

Other 25 man raid Times we are not yet ready for. We are getting close tho. Keep up your good work.

Raid Rules:

for Raid events to participate. On the fly invites will be limited.

When you sign-up for a raid event, be online and ready to go before the event start time.

If you will not be able to attend an event you signed-up for, make every effort to notify people so alternates can be quickly coordinated.

Keep ventrilo chatter limited.
Ideally, only the raid leaders should be speaking. Jokes, innuendos, comments, idle talk, if not directly related to the next mob or boss pull, should be done through raid type.

LOOT Rules:
SF Operates on a Need, Want, DE, system.

NEED roll
only if it is an immediate upgrade to your current class/spec gear. Raid leaders will call-out the rolls. Raid leaders also reserve the right to verify need, and may make alternate suggestions/compromises.

WANT roll
only if nobody needs and it is an item you can use. This roll is typically for your off-spec fun times.

and Roll on crystals. Top roll(s) receive depending upon the number of crystal created. This obviously requires an enchanter. If none are present in the raid run, raid leaders reserve the right to distribute items as they see fit.

RAID Requirements:
Speakers (Minimum) Mic (Optional)
Deadly Boss Mods (Or similar)
Guild Portal Account (To view Boss fight Info)
Omen Threat Meters

Group Calendar (To Schedule your attendance)

Failure to have any or all of the above may eliminate you from the scheduled raid run. Have them ready prior to raid start times.

Sample Raid Team Structure by Kara Boss:
Attunement, Moroes, Maiden, Curator (1-MT, 1-OT, 3-Healers, 5-DPS) 2-3 cc classes.

Shade, Illhoof (1-MT, 3-Healers, 6-DPS) 2-3 cc classes.

Chess (is an event. Have fun)

Prince (1-MT, 2-3-healers, 6-7 Ranged DPS)

Nightbane (1-MT, 2-3-healers, 6-7 ranged DPS)

Netherspite (1-MT, 1-DPSOT, 3 healers, 5 ranged DPS)

Each boss has specific class/spec needs. Read Boss Fights within Guild Portal for exact team make-up and strategies.

Guild Structure:

Level based structure: Commanders (lvl 61+) are the leaders of the guild, and have most officer authority within it. Rear Admirals are our designated officers. Combat Officers, Green Berets’, and KP Duty round out the field. See the "guild information" within the game for a full run down.

Play Time has been set to a maximum of 2 months inactivity. If you have not play'd your character within this timeframe, your toon will be removed from the guild. We realize that real life events can have an affect on your wow time, but this practice will be adopted in order to keep the guild uncluttered with abandoned toons. If you should come back to wow once you have been removed, you will be welcomed back into the guild with open arms.

Everyone can invite other players without any restrictions. We do not have sign-up forms. We do not require subscriptions to the blog - nor impose a training period. ALT's are welcome!

Tabards? Are not required, but it'd be nice if your toons wore them.

Begging? is strongly discouraged. I walk near a mile every day from the train to my downtown office, and I pass many beggars along the way. I certainly do not want to deal with it in the game. Please don't impose the uncomfortable request upon your other guildies.
**New Note** I have been noticing more and more people begging other guildies for gold to help buy an assortment of things, including 40 & 60 level mounts. As a player who never asked for any help obtaining my own stuff, I'd like to see this practice end. Money and friendship rarely ends in happiness out in the real world, it certainly has a greater risk within the game. Please be selfsufficient.

Questing/Instances? I have found the game to be much more fun doing these with others of similar level. Plus, you get experience that way. If a much higher level is with you, the WoW Gods do not bestow experience upon you.

ALL classes Now Welcome - Please feel free to invite any and all who seek a fun guild to enjoy the world of warcraft. SF has diversified. Every guild member has the authority to invite others into our ranks.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Guild Diversification to Casual (Hardcore) Raiding

The vote ended with keeping SF an all druid guild. However, I decided to still open it to all other classes within the WOW world. Why? Because it will be better for the guild in the long term, but more specifically, because we need more active members playing on a consistent basis. There are over 120 druids in the Special Forces, but only a handful play regularly, and this in itself is degrading the level of effectiveness toward end game accomplishment. What good is a guild if only a small fraction plays? In my opinion, not very good.

So, I realize that this decision will drive some of our members away, but it will also bring in fresh members with complimentary skills, and help the Special Forces to become a destination for players seeking casual fun with some hardcore on the side.

I thank you for your understanding.

Casual with a little Hardcore Raiding on the side:

So you have clawed your way to level 70, ran a few dungeons, and you are now in possession of your Karazhan key. You have been looking forward to raiding, and although you have heard that some people literally devote their entire life to it, you are comfortable in a guild that deems itself a "casual raiding guild". Raiding is not mandatory, but people do have fun with it.

That is all well & good until you realize that even if you play on a casual schedule, you have to be a little bit hardcore if you are going to ever experience anything more than the first few bosses in Karazhan.

If you are serious about wanting to clear Karazhan, and eventually progress into the 25 man raids, then you are going to have to start working to better your raiding toon(s). Perhaps you have a few alts at lower levels - be prepared to set them aside for a while - if you want to raid well, but have limited play time, then you really cannot afford to divide your attention too much.

While quest greens and early instance blues are sufficient for many of the early encounters in Karazhan, you are going to have to do quite a few more instances to improve your gear if you plan on making a significant impact on the Curator and beyond. Heroics will help immensely, as will some PVP rewards.

Simply put: if you want to win - if you want to experience all the content that Burning Crusade has to offer before it becomes obsolete - then you have to prepare yourself. If you cannot - or will not - prepare, then you will not help your raid group nearly as much as you could, and everyone will suffer for it.

I'm not suggesting that you neglect their family, jettison real life commitments/hobbies, and immerse yourself in this game..... I am, however, stating that simply gaining level 70 and getting Kara keyed is not good enough.

So, if you want to be a skilled casual raider and help your guild progress through the game's content, here is what I suggest:

Learn how to play your class/spec to its potential. There are plenty of forums and blogs out there for you to read, as well as many wonderful and skilled people in your guild (and beyond) who would gladly discuss how to run your class more effectively.

Think about a run (raid/instance) after it ends, and try to identify things that you and your group could have done better. Use add-ons like Recount and sites like WoW Web Stats to help in your analysis. Post strategies you attempted and reasons for failures (and successes) on your guild's forum. Hold a five minute post-mortem with the raid on Ventrillo after the run. Whatever. A raid doesn't end when you stop killing things.

Research your gear, and run instances to fill in holes. WoW Loot Lists breaks down instance loot by class, so this type of research is a snap. Know what you need and how to get it - this will help you optimize your play time. (Important if you're a casual.) Remember: if you're decked out primarily in greens, you're hurting your raid. Do something about it.

Run heroic dungeons. Heroics are difficult, and force you to be aware of a lot of things at once. Hone your skills with four other guildies, and practice for raids. Healers can learn how to deal with the increased damage that they will see in raids. Tanks will have to learn how to deal with multiple heavy hitters. CC'ers will be tested to the max. DPS will have to maximize their output to prevent long battles from getting out of hand. And guess what - the loot rocks.

If you want to seep further into the game, and experience as much of the content as possible, then you have to be prepared to work towards it. Even a casual guild, if well managed and filled with dedicated players, can raid with the big boys. They may not get any world-first kills, and they will certainly be months behind the curve, but there is nothing stopping casual players from kicking ass with the best of them whenever their schedule allows.

(Casual overview compliments of Teeth & Claws)

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